Friday, October 20, 2006


What is Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is all about the following and more...

1. User Centric and User Oriented
2. Web Services, Web API's
3. Widgets, Gadgets, Mashup's
4. Blogs, Feeds, Wiki's, Tagging, Podcasting
5. Social profile
6. Social bookmarking
7. Client rich technologies like CSS, HTML, DOM, XML, AJAX, JSON, XHTML, REST, SOAP

Here is the Web 2.0 Cloud image and a basic Video which somehow describes it in a visual way.

What is Web 2.0 Video

by flexbeta

Interested ? Checkout 10 more popular videos on Web 2.0 from industry gurus like Eric Schmidt, Tim O' Reilly, and a number of startup CEOs and executives. Also see, how to Create a Web 2.0-Style Logo